
One of the great ways that we love to share resources and expertise is through our regular webinars. Our webinars feature our staff and incredible advocates, Safe Routes to School program staff, government officials, elected leaders, and others from around the country sharing their knowledge and learning on a diverse range of topics.

Upcoming Webinars

There are currently no upcoming webinars scheduled. Scroll down to see archived webinars.

Archived Webinars

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 1 p.m. ET

Join us to learn about the fifth edition of Safe Routes Partnership’s state report cards and report, Making Strides: 2024 State Report Cards on Support for Walking, Bicycling, and Active Kids and Communities

This report marks nearly a decade of work reviewing and scoring best practices in policy, funding and practices that support walking, biking, and active communities. We are excited to share the milestones and case studies that mark real progress during that time. During this webinar we will walk you through the scoring and indicators, the changes we have seen since our last state report cards in 2022, and how you can use this information to make change.


  • Kori Johnson, Program & Engagement Manager, Safe Routes Partnership
  • Marisa Jones, Managing Director, Policy & Partnerships Director, Safe Routes Partnership
  • Natasha Riveron, Policy & Implementation Manager, Safe Routes Partnership
Tuesday, September 10th, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. MT

All Safe Routes to School programs benefit from evaluation. Thoughtful data collection and analysis helps communities to identify issues, appropriate strategies to address those issues, set goals, and determine results. Data collected can further influence funding by providing a fuller picture of community needs and prospective projects. 

In our upcoming September webinar, we will delve into tools to support your funding applications and existing programs. The one-hour session will include an overview of Colorado’s EnviroScreen, an interactive environmental justice mapping and health screening tool developed for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). This dynamic resource enables users to identify areas with current and past environmental inequities, pinpoint areas where disproportionately impacted communities have a greater health burden and/or face more environmental risks and identify geographic areas that meet the definition of disproportionately impacted communities under Colorado law. 

Additionally, given the closure of the National Safe Routes to School Data System, we will be discussing new means of recording student travel tallies and parent surveys. This data is a required component for Colorado Safe Routes to School grant applications. All those interested in submitting applications for our upcoming Colorado Safe Routes to grant cycle, join us as we share our suggestions to help you prepare your best submission!

*Note:  While this webinar is designed to give an overview of tools available for evaluation within your program, special attention will be given to attendees preparing a Colorado Safe Routes to School FY 25 Application.   

Walk, Ride, and Roll Webinar Series

Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 2 p.m. ET

Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day honors the living legacy of civil rights activist Ruby Bridges. Every November 14th, schools organize Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day activities to promote meaningful dialogue on activism, anti-racism, and anti-bullying. This webinar explores the history behind Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day and how to plan and implement impactful activities. We will also share an exciting opportunity to boost your celebration with a Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day mini-grant.


Kori Johnson, Program and Engagement Manager, Safe Routes Partnership

Cailin Henley, Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Transportation Planner, City of Tacoma, Department of Public Works

*NEW* Webinar

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 – 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Tune in on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 3 p.m. ET/noon PT to learn about creative, flexible, and highly accessible federal funding that can be used to advance Safe Routes to School. Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) funding can be used for not only developing Safe Routes to School plans to supplement comprehensive safety action plans, but it can also be used for engagement, encouragement, and education programs! And - the application is a low lift and all eligible applicants in the past two years have been funded. We will highlight creative and exciting ways to use this fund, how to access the funding without cash match, and provide steps for applying for SS4A funds. You don't want to miss this!

Walk, Ride, and Roll Webinar Series

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
2pm – 3pm ET

Join us for our final Walk, Ride, and Roll webinar of the school year! This session will explore strategies and best practices for engaging and including students with disabilities in Safe Routes programs. Our expert panelists will share how they lead and participate in inclusive programs, how they partner with local champions, and how other Safe Routes practitioners can make their programs more inclusive and accessible.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024 – 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Please join the Safe Routes Partnership and California Transportation Commission for a webinar on April 30 about a new change in the ATP Guidelines: additional questions about the non-infrastructure program in Combined Infrastructure/Non-Infrastructure applications.

For a number of years, we have argued that the format and rubrics of Combined applications in the ATP did not allow either applicants to adequately highlight their proposed educational and encouragement programs, nor evaluators to adequately score them.

Thanks to the adoption of the online applications portable Submittable this cycle, applicants proposing Combined Infrastructure/Non-Infrastructure non-application questions will be prompted for additional information specific to their non-infrastructure components, and evaluators will be given guidance on how to evaluate them.
In this webinar, we will give an overview of the new questions, provide suggestions on how best to answer them, and answer any questions you might have.

Wednesday, April 17th, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Mountain

How do you change the culture of active transportation in schools? Join us as we explore community engagement strategies aimed at changing behaviors and attitudes around walking, biking, and rolling. Learn how Denver’s Advancing a Culture of Active Transportation in Schools (ACATS) program became a model for community engagement, and how they leveraged this success to secure Safe Routes to School funding.

Featured Speakers:

Kori Johnson, Program and Engagement Manager, Safe Routes Partnership

Priscilla Bloom, Safe Routes to School Program Manager, City and County of Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI)

Wednesday April 10th, 2024, 2–3pm Eastern

The days are longer, the weather is warmer, and National Bike Month is just around the corner! Join us for an informal Zoom session to connect with other Safe Routes practitioners and get ready for Spring programming. Share your program successes and challenges, swap resources, brainstorm project ideas, and let us know how the Partnership can support your work going forward.

NOTE: There will not be formal presentations during this session. The bulk of the time will be reserved for connecting with others during breakout groups. We will not be facilitating the discussion but we will provide guiding questions and are always available to help.


Supporting Safe Routes and Sparking Joy Through Community Partnerships

Wednesday, February 7th from 2pm-3pm ET

The Walk, Ride, and Roll Webinar Series is back for 2024! Join us as we explore creative partnerships that support safety and spark joy in Safe Routes programs. Whether you are looking for new outreach venues, evaluation experts, or fun ways to “shake up” your program, this webinar will show you how to find the right partner to fit your needs!

Featured Speakers:

  • Kori Johnson, Program and Engagement Manager, Safe Routes Partnership

    This webinar is part of the Walk, Ride, and Roll Webinar Series supported by General Motors and presented by the Safe Routes Partnership.
    The Environmental Legislator Perspective on Active Transportation in 2024

    January 18th at 3 PM Eastern via Zoom
    Postponed: January 25th at 3 PM Eastern via Zoom

    Join the State Funding Strategies workgroup to hear about the state active transportation funding trends and how you, as an advocate, can best set yourself up for productive conversations with legislators on active transportation. Ava Gallo, Climate and Energy Manager at the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators, will join us to cover what got through state legislatures in 2023 and what is getting introduced in 2024 to support multimodal trails, biking, walking, and safe routes to school. We will discuss what framing and messages have worked well and what legislators asking for. Register here

    About the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators: Created by and for state legislators, the Caucus serves as a resource on environmental issues through legislative research, organized events, and by facilitating collaboration between lawmakers working on similar issues. Their mission is to empower a nonpartisan network of legislative champions to protect, conserve, and improve the natural and human environment.