Passing Safe Routes to School policies may significantly increase the likelihood that Safe Routes to School programs are sustainable in the long-term. Below are resources to guide your Safe Routes to School program's policy implementation efforts.
Safe Routes to School Policy Resources
- Safe Routes to School Policies - Through policy, you set up a strong structure that will institutionalize the Safe Routes to School program within local, regional, or state law or regulations.
- Safe Routes to School Staffing - Paid staff is one of the most important elements for a strong Safe Routes to School program. For a program to be effectively administered, reach a lot of children, and be sustainable in the long term, it needs paid full-time staff.
- Safe Routes to School Funding - Safe Routes to School programs need funding in order to function. Securing ongoing funding for the program must be part of Safe Routes to School policy campaigns.
- Safe Routes to School Equity - Safe Routes to School initiatives should benefit all demographic groups, with particular attention to ensuring safe, healthy, and fair outcomes for low-income students, students of color, students of all genders, students with disabilities, and others.